Kink in the Road

She made it past
the kink in the road
vowed one day she'd never get old
in the town she was born in
but did'nt belong
standing by the road
humming this song
every day crushes a little
more soul
gotta leave town before
I get much older
over and over like
groundhog day,
just enough gas
to get out of this place
packed up the honda
an I'm on my way
off to dunedin and the gold they say
gotta mate in Uni and
a place to stay
got a bit of cash and
some weed to trade
a career in the meatworks
is not for me
three different children
by the age of twenty three
sitting in the pub
polishing the same old seat
drinking beer an complaining
like my father before me
As a foot note here is an article on the town of Milton and the mystery of the Kink in the Road.
Written by Keith Lynch keith.lynch@stuff.co.nz Published on Stuff